Friday, January 3, 2020

A Lunatic’s Decade in Review

A decade for the ages, as they say…
There was Hell and high water,
rebirth and beauty.
There was a book published-
one that I wish I could do over again.
There was retreat to,
and a near surrender from,
the cave
in which I jettisoned myself.
Procrastination and writer’s block
in spades, continuing
to this very day.

This was the decade
in which my eyes saw
the darkest basements
of hospitals and
the baggage they hand
you on your way out.
Those same eyes saw
the emergence of two miracles
into this world as well.

Stacks of books
Came across my desk
throughout the ‘teens.
I’ve broken bubbles.

I said goodbye to a dear friend;
taken out far too soon
from an illness she
never deserved.
But yet, in this same
time, I was
also privileged to hold
those of the strongest woman
in the cosmos,
as I married her and again, as we
became college graduates together.
This is the decade
that I found the capricious face
of the universe.

This last decennium
has been pain
and joy, love and fear,
triumph and defeat.
It has been chock-full
of time wasted.
It is now 2020.
My lord,
how did we get to this place?
It flows forth in a torrent
that I still cannot comprehend.

The next set is mine.
It is time to get action.
Be grateful,
you’re on borrowed